At a time product reviews often guide purchasing decisions, I thought it might be time to start posting Barkan Research reviews for our potential customers to read. Barkan Research reviews are acquired differently than most online product reviews. This is because our primary customers are those incarcerated in American jails and prisons, without internet access.

The Origin of Barkan Research Reviews
Most Barkan Research reviews come from end-use customers, not the person making the book purchase. Our books are usually purchased through our website, or via telephone, by a loved one at the request of someone incarcerated with shipment directed to the incarcerated recipient. Additionally, books are purchased by incarcerated customers after exposure to advertisements in magazines such as Prison Legal News, or through a Barkan Research direct-to-consumer marketing strategy.
Once ordered, our books are intermittently shipped with a prepaid book-review postcard. Contingent upon prison policy, the institution may, or may not, permit the inmate to keep, or utilize, the postcard. It is from the return of these postcards many of our reviews are received. Most importantly, Barkan Research does not pay for reviews nor offer an incentive to anyone for the submission of a positive review.
Due to the non-electronic method these reviews are received, I have chosen this format to share some of the comments I’ve received regarding my two books, The Colossal Book of Criminal Citations and The Colossal Book of Civil Citations.

The Colossal Book of Criminal Citations – Barkan Research Reviews
Mr. Davis, this is a great book. I wish I had it years ago when I went to trial. I am now pursuing post-conviction relief on my own based on topics your book has made me aware of.
After winning my own post-conviction relief I am representing myself at my retrial. I think the sample jury questionnaire is a great idea and I hope to use it during jury selection. Thanks for the great idea.
Your book has many topics and case references. I help others and this book offers something for every type of criminal case.
I forgot to include my son’s identification number when I ordered his book. Within 24 hours someone from Barkan Research contacted me asking for his prison number. These people care.
If your business ever considers giving away older editions of The Colossal Book of Criminal Citations, I would like a copy.
Peter via Letter
Sorry Peter, we are not a big enough business to give away free books. If inventory permits, older editions are sometimes sold on our website at a reduced cost.
Excellent book! I am amazed at the number of legal topics you included. There is something for everyone who uses this book in my dorm.
My mom said your business was great to work with when she called to order my book. Thanks for your kindness to her. That means a lot to me.
I like all the topics and sample motions this book contains. I never thought about how wrong it was for the prosecutor to call my accuser a victim until I seen the sample motion in your book to preclude that term. I intend to present that argument when I argue my trial counsel’s ineffectiveness.
This book has replaced three of my older books. I was surprised at how new some of the references are.
Excellent source of case citations covering nearly every topic. You have a nice book. I am working on my federal habeas corpus petition and you have helpful case references. I like you included a sample motion for seeking a certificate of appealability. Thanks.
Your book covers all the important topics and will be a great resource. I like your listing of state innocence projects.
Great book. It arrived quickly and I look forward to spending a lot of time reading.
Thanks for creating a simple and easy to use book. It has everything I need to challenge my trial counsel’s ineffectiveness.
There are a lot of ineffective assistance [of counsel] cases covered in this book. More than any other book I have seen. God Bless you Mr. Davis.
I saw your ad in PLN. It took me a while to save enough money to buy your book. I am glad I did. There are a lot of topics in this book with a lot of relevant case law references. Good book.

The Colossal Book of Civil Citations – Barkan Research Reviews
You have created the most user friendly and beneficial resource I have ever seen. Every topic about prison conditions, disciplinary hearings, and lawsuit procedure is in one book. And, its current.
My lawsuit has been ongoing for over two years and is now set for trial. Filing a pretrial motion to exclude my prior disciplinary record and lawsuits wasn’t something I knew was possible until getting your book. Great resource!
I won a pro-se inmate retaliation lawsuit using your civil book as my only guiding resource! After my decisive victory, the state settled my second lawsuit just prior to trial.
Read about Steve’s experience in my post, D.W. Loses 1st Amendment Lawsuit to Prisoner.
I love the way your civil book is topically organized. The sample discovery motions will be a great help. I wish I had this book for my first civil case.
The sample preliminary injunction referenced in your book will be very helpful once I file my complaint. Great book for the price.
Nice book, good price for all the content. Please tell me when the next edition is printed as I will want it.
New Jersey
Nice book. I knew others who had this book but I wanted my own. You have a nice product more up to date than other books.
Because of your civil book, I now see how I was [taken advantage of] by my prison’s disciplinary hearing officer. I can’t fix my case, but I will help others prepare for their hearings.
South Carolina
I like all the information regarding prison conditions in your book. As a jailhouse lawyer, it really allows me to help others. God bless you for creating an updated book.
I wanted to understand how to file a 1983 lawsuit. Your book makes the process look easy. I like the sample motions area with the discovery [motion] examples. Great book.
I just wanted to let you know my son is very happy with his book. He tells me you have a highly desired book. Others are always wanting to look at his.
Your book covers nearly every living condition imaginable for prisoners. Great job and not badly priced for what is inside.