
10 Oct

Civil Default Judgments in a Nutshell

When a party files a civil lawsuit in federal court, there is an expectation that the defendant will respond to the complaint. If the defendant fails to answer or otherwise defend themselves within the designated timeframe, the plaintiff can seek a d...

10 Oct

Criminal Entrapment: Defenses and Implications

When someone is charged with a crime, the defense of entrapment may come into play if it is believed that law enforcement officials induced the criminal behavior. Entrapment refers to situations where government agents, typically undercover officers,...

10 Oct

Cybercrime: Understanding Crimes and Defenses

Cybercrime, also known as computer crime, refers to illegal activities that are conducted using computers or the internet. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into everyday life, cybercrime has evolved into one of the most significant crimi...

10 Oct

Understanding Modern Computer Forensics

In the digital age, modern computer forensics has become an indispensable field within both law enforcement and private investigations. It involves the application of investigative techniques to computer systems in order to identify, preserve, analyz...

10 Oct

Modern File Encryption in a Nutshell

In the digital age, the protection of sensitive data is paramount. Whether you’re a business safeguarding customer information or an individual protecting personal files, encryption plays a critical role. Encryption ensures that unauthorized pa...

10 Oct

Do You Surrender the Encryption Code or Not?

With the increasing use of encryption, on computers and mobile devices, law enforcement agencies often face challenges when accessing information during criminal investigations. This raises a significant question: When can law enforcement require you...

10 Oct

Defenses For Incriminating IP Address Evidence

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique identifier assigned to devices connected to a network, enabling them to communicate with other devices over the internet. Law enforcement often relies on IP addresses to trace the origin of illegal online...

10 Oct

Hard Drive File Storage in a Nutshell

When files are stored on a computer, they are placed onto the hard drive, a key component for data storage. Whether saving a document, downloading a video, or installing software, the hard drive records and maintains this information for future use. ...

07 Sep

750+ Winning Habeas Corpus Case Examples

Everyone wants to win federal habeas corpus relief. I’ll show you winning is possible using some real case examples. The federal habeas corpus petition is a powerful legal tool used by individuals to challenge the legality of their detention. B...

10 Jul

How to Change a Criminal Cases Venue

Navigating the criminal justice system can be daunting, especially when facing serious charges. One strategic legal maneuver available to defendants is requesting a change of venue for their case. This blog post aims to explain how, when, and why a d...