Disclaimer: This website’s content and our books are designed for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

The Colossal Book of Criminal Citations, 7th Ed (2022)

The Colossal Book of Criminal Citations (7th Edition), by Richard Davis, is the most thorough criminal reference book of legal subjects available. Our book contains over 200 legal topics with more than 6,600 U.S. Supreme, Federal Circuit, District and State Court references to enhance nearly every legal argument. Topics include: Federal Habeas Corpus Relief, Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, Plea Agreements, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Sentencing and more. This book will assist every defendant prepare for trial or seek relief after a conviction. The defendant awaiting trial will discover sample pretrial motions, questions to assist with jury selection and gain a valuable understanding of prosecution trial strategy. The convicted defendant will find sample post-conviction motions, briefs, and contact information to Innocence Project Organizations. This one book will provide more value than several other books combined. 

The Colossal Book of Civil Citations, 3rd Ed
The Colossal Book of Civil Citations, 3rd Ed (2024)

The Colossal Book of Civil Citations (Third Edition), by Richard Davis, is the most thorough reference book of civil subjects available. This book is designed to assist the litigant prepare a 42 U.S.C. §1983 complaint and present the claim through trial, enhancing every legal argument throughout the process. Our book contains over 120 topics with more than 2700 U.S. Supreme, Federal Circuit, District and State Court references. Topics include: Clearly Established, Conditions of Confinement, Deliberate Indifference, Disciplinary Hearings, Prison Medical Care, Summary Judgment and more. The Colossal Book of Civil Citations contains sample discovery motions, motions in limine to exclude criminal history and disciplinary violations, motions to appear unshackled and wear civilian clothing at trial, sample jury instructions and more. This one book will provide more value than several other books combined. Order your copy today

Older editions of this book may be available for purchase for a discounted price. Please check the “Buy Now” page. Some content in older editions may be obsolete due to more recent case law but a discounted book is a good reference starting point.

“Thank you”

This book shows me I have a lot to learn if I am going to have a chance to win at trial – if I survive summary judgment. I like that it includes the constitution and the legal glossary. Thank you for doing what you are doing.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— James Griepsma

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Your books bridge a very important gap in the doc law libraries. It is an invaluable resource and I vehemently encourage you to continue expanding. Also, your background/people search is incredible.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Henry George


I have found this cite book to be the best formatted and most current reference source available. I appreciate the quality and forethought put forth in the production of this cite book and I will recommend it to others.

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